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Jan 2024 Galactic Gathering with Jamie & Akil

Welcome onboard, fellow starseeds.

This is our monthly gathering and support group where the Galactic Council of Light will be providing activations, guidance, and support to integrate the upgrades and energies we are integrating individually and as a collective.

As you receive powerful activations and further awakenings throughout 2024, this is a space where you can connect with others going through similar experiences, receive support and guidance on your questions, and more.

In the upcoming session on the 7th of January 2024, the Andromedan High Council will lead the opening of the first out of many monthly gatherings which will unfold.

The Andromedan High Council speaks:

“This is the preparation. This is the foundation. We are laying the foundations for the work to come, we are preparing you for the work to come. There’s a high stake in this and you need to be made aware that you are a part of this mission. There’s no more hiding, you need to step up, step in, rise up, and take on your role.”

This session will run for 90-120mins, depending on how much comes through

  • Grounding meditation and opening of the portal

  • Live channelling by Jamie and Akil

  • Sharing circle/QnA

  • Closing of the portal

A divine union between Jamie and Akil

In these monthly activations, their energetic union will open the galactic portal and call upon the beings of the highest light to transmit activations, messages, guidance, and more. As you join, you will most probably also be involved in some kind of grid and/or light work, your energetic presence alone will do its job. You’re welcome onboard this divine starship.

Recording is now available

December 22

Codes of Shambhala - Golden Timeline Series

January 18

Pleiadian Recalibration | Preparing for the shift into the New Earth