Welcome home, starseeds.

Hello starseed,

Welcome here, my name is Jamie. As an intuitive channel and Pleiadian starseed, my mission is to activate and awaken fellow starseeds (like you) to their gifts and Galactic mission for the collective ascension of humanity into the New World.

I work primarily with the Pleiadian High Council, harnessing the power of Light Language and the Akashic Records to transmit light codes and guided messages to activate, adjust, realign, and recalibrate our light bodies.

I am not here to teach you, I am here to guide you.

I am not here to teach you, I am here to help activate and awaken the codes within you.

I am not here to teach you, I am here to awaken the teacher within you.

1:1 Starseed Activation

Virtual Activation Circles

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Free Guided Meditation to Deepen Your Connection

The way to connect to your soul star origins and communicate with the highest frequencies of inter-dimensional beings of love is through the portal of your heart. The answers lie within you, not outside of you. In this guided meditation you will be guided into an inter-dimensional space to connect with your highest self.

Light Language Activation

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